Message From Chairman

With pride and pleasure, I introduce you to K Group, a conglomerate that comprises  companies and  brands across the world.I believe an Education,consulting and  general trading company is an essential partner that continually bridges gaps in society. In the 21st century, we bridged geographic gaps through education and trade. we have been bridging gaps between the current value and future value through investment. Over the past decade, we have entered a new era of rapid economic, technological and political change. Going forward, the K Group aims to bridge the new gaps  that arise between the present and an obscure future.


We live in a challenging era. Nonetheless, I believe K Group is expected to continue to be a bold leader even amid such an environment. K Group will remain a company that propels society forward. The K Group Group aims not only to create timely solutions by anticipating societal challenges and the emerging needs of customers but also to co-create and realize dreams by anticipating the dreams of society and customers. The key to doing so is teamwork, as I tell all K Group personnel. Our teams need to hit the ground running, with everyone playing a valuable role. We cannot afford to have even a single member who lacks commitment or enthusiasm. We must forge ahead no matter what, thinking, acting and creating as a team. We do not fear failure. We never let failure become an intractable crisis. Additionally, we cultivate human capital by providing opportunities to bounce back from failure. As long as K Group workplaces are filled with hard-working young people warmly supported by their seniors, I have absolute confidence that we can meet expectations as a leader that continually bridges gaps.


I appreciate my colleagues for their dedication and commitment, and thank our business partners, customers and global business communities for entire support over the years. To everybody, I want to say that our journey has just begun and yet greater height to be achieved.