Our contributions

K Group of companies stipulated its Basic Policies on Social Contributions in April 2007 on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of its foundation. Under the Basic Policies, we are considering the social contributions we should make and conduct concrete social contribution activities such as the establishment of the  Kashyap  Foundation and Health plus for  encouragement of public health and learning activities and human resource development, contributions to local communities, monetary contributions, human resource development and support of volunteer activities. We also believe that, while contributing to society through business, the Group should autonomously implement social contribution activities suitable for the K group, which is aiming to be a “Most admired company Globally.”

Healthcare — In objective to deliver good-health and well-being to everyone, in coordination with Health Plus, we are providing quality medical services,health promotion  program like Basic Life support and First Aid CaRE. Our support is extended to support cancer patient from 2016.

Education and academics — K Group shares its expertise and competencies for greater technological development through scientific societies and conferences, including the Kashyap Foundation and  Kashyap info train . We provide the technical free education to the marginal and underprivileged group of population. Kashyap intitute of engineering and technology provides 20% of intake seats to the ministry of education as scholarship.